Guide and Build item Irithel Best High Damage Attack

Moonton is currently in its best state. Where in the not too far apart, Moonton can release up to 3 heroes in a gradual way. Where of the three Mobile Legends hero released the Irithel, Grock and Argus there is one of the hero is quite unique in our opinion. Yes, Irithel.
Irithel is the only female character finally released in the recent Legends Mobile Game of the 3 heroes we mentioned above, and at the same time the only one of all heroes in Mobile Legends who owns a Pets named Leo as a ride. In addition to having animals, the hero is also a way of attacking him not using a regular arrow, but rather a Crossbow that can pull out more than one arrow in each shot.

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By riding on Leo's small legacy, Irithel can easily perform attacks while moving. With Irithel. Total Marksman currently is 8 Hero who have different skills. Irithel is one of the heroes who have a very powerful force to paralyze the opponent. Moreover, he is also a hero who has the damage Dealer area is strong enough when doing war. However, Irithel Marksman also has a weakness in terms of defense from the hero mage or fighter attack.

Everything we will explain about Guide Skills ,Build Items, and also Tips and Tricks Best Irithel High Damage Attack.

Irithel's Skill Guide Best High Damage Attack:

Guide and Build item Irithel Best High Damage Attack

1. Jungle Heart (Passive)

Irithel and Leo know each so well that it's possible to shoot while moving. Each basic attack shoots out 3 heavy arrows (each one takes a while to reload the heavy bow), each arrow deals 45% physical damage (Only the first arrow can trigger gear passive abilities).

2. Strafe

Skill have Cooldown 10.0 and mana cost 90 Shoots a round of arrows, dealing 250 Physical damage to the enemies in the area and reducing their physical defense by 15 for 3s.

3. Force of The Queen

Skill have Cooldown 10 and Mana Cost 60 Leo shouts loudly, dealing 200 physical damage to the enemies in the area and reducing their movement speed by 80% for 2s.

4. Heavy Crossbow (Ultimate)

Skill have Cooldown 36 and Mana Cost 120. Jumps forward and equips a heavy crossbow that increases her basic attack by 5%, dealing physical damage to the enemy and nearby enemies for 15s.

We also give you a guide skill you should do to use this Irithel hero. (3-2-1)

The 3-2-1 combination we highly recommend when you want to do a gank. When you use skill 3, you will jump towards the enemy you are targeting. Then you use skill 2 to increase considerable damage to the enemies affected by this skill. Continuing with skill 1 which if enemy try to escape, besides can make enemy is affected by this skill can also cause movement speed to be down.

High Damage Build Item Irithel

Guide and Build item Irithel Best High Damage Attack

  1. Haas's Claws: Items That Increase 70 Physical Attack and get a unique 20% Lifesteal. Unique Passive-insanity: when Hp drops below 40%, the hero will receive an extra 10% physical lifesteal.
  2. Swift Boots: Increases Moving Speed by 40% with a bonus of 15% Attack Speed
  3. Berserker's Fury: Items that increases 65 Physical Attack and 25% Crit Chance. This item have Unique to Increase 40% Crit damage and Crit strikes will increase one's physical attack 5%, lasting 2s. 
  4. Scarlet Phantom: Increases 30 Physical Attack, 40% Attack speed and 10% Crit chance. Unique Passive-Frenzy: Crit Strikes will increase the hero's attack speed 35% and crit strike rate 5%, lasting 2s.
  5. Malefic Roar: Increases 60 Physical Attack and Unique 40% physical PEN. Unique Passive-armor Buster: basic attack will ignore 20% of a defense turret's defensive armor.
  6. Blade Of Despair: Items that increase 170 Physical Attack with 10% Attack Speed. This item have Unique Passive Despair to deals an extra 10% damage to an enemy in any abnormal state (stunned, knocked airborne, transformed, disabled).

The list of items we give you is a very recommended item. Where you can get High damage, Attack Speed, or Lifesteal which allows you to easily master the game to completion.

Tips and Tricks using Irithel Best Guide

  1.  At the beginning of the game do farming in the forest first, because irithel is very vulnerable early in the game because it has a fairly weak defense.
  2. Tips from us if doing forest farming is to keep moving when attacking the forest monsters. If you do that, you will not lose much blood.
  3. If you take the middle path, try to get the last hit as much as possible. Because you are a much needed Marksman in the late game.
  4. If the time is right or level 8 and above, you should do a gank against your enemy. Because you as a Damage Dealer Area is needed in doing the gank.
  5. Choose a Battle Speel that matches for Irithel. we have suggestions that you may choose what kind of abilities are needed.
    1. Inspire: Greatly Enchanted the hero for a short period of time. The next 8 basic attacks will ignore 25 pts the target's physical defense and increase your hero's attack speed 55%. Lasts 5s. This item is very important when you are in War.
    2. Retibution: Deals 600 - 1440 pts of true damage to nearby jungle monsters of minions and increases damage to monsters by 30% within 3s (Damage will increase with level).
  6. As for Emblem we recommend you to choose Physical Emblem Set that is very compatible with Irithel who issued a lot of damage.
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That's the Guide Skill, Build items and of course Tips and tricks for those of you who want to play hero Irithel Mobile Legends. If you have any suggestions or requests you can contact us directly on Fanspage or On Contact in the menu.

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